Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Thank you all for the commentary and the reactions to the work. I'm sorry if I was corralling the discussion too much or came off as defensive. I guess in some way I am, as this project is at least as perplexing to me as it is to the reader, and I'm at a loss as to how to manage it (I kind of wish it would just go away- but this is actually how and what I think about all day). I'm typing up notes to myself about your insights and am trying to reapproach this thing usefully. I can't promise 50 pages, but I'll try to push it to some kind of fruition.

It's funny, writing obviously biographical poetry in the past made it very easy to bear elements of my life, but now that I'm trying to move away from that mode, I find the presence of the personal twice as revealing and scary. Maybe this mess should be accompanied by a legit memoir, which I just realized would actually include a car crash, as I have actually crashed a car. Anyways, thanks as always for enlightening me, especially William and Dennis, and thanks Aimee for sharing such palpable poems. I love workshop.
