Wednesday, October 13, 2004

All right, someone's gotta post about the debate. All I want to say is, I'm concerned about Kerry's poetics. It seems he's being outstripped by Bush in sheer lyrical force. Where is his "army of compassion", where is his "their Freedom is a gift from the Lord". The discerning voter wants more out of his candidate than the simple-minded moral of what happens to after-school programs when you give 89billion to the top %1 of the country, or why we need a living wage for single moms.

Not to mention the complete lack of eclesiastic fervor. When Kerry looks into the camera. its like he recognizes that it's not a real person and that the people watching are only seeing what gets transmitted across their cables and antannaes. Where is the religious faith that Jesus is looking directly at him and hearing his cry for bunker-busting deliverances of God's groovy justice.

Frankly, I'm voting for Nader- at least he's crazy enough to ditch his own party and argue with Peter Camejo in the national press (just kidding).