Sunday, September 26, 2004

jessea and/or dan, are you out there? is there anyway i can get a small chapbook that i made on my laser printer trimmed at books arts early this week? do they have a trimmer? i've got a deadline to meet for this archive sort of project. i don't have yr emails at home, but if this is possible, can you email me or call me at office?

also, i'm trying to take suggestion of more worldly poetries to heart and working something up for next semester. although as i do this i keep joking to myself that it will be a course in appropriation for poets of western privilege. but i guess it doesn't have to be that way.

i think the call for more poets from elsewhere is super important. but the reason it doesn't happen is that when one gets trained in the academy, one gets trained first by language (one rarely reads work in translation in graduate school; one is to study the work in original language which means in the u.s. that one might read literature in two language traditions if one is skilled but rarely more; i took a course in french lit in graduate school--a course in proust taught by monique wittig--but gave up taking more b/c my french is so awful) and then by nation.