Monday, July 19, 2004

So I was talking to William last night at the New Brutalist cabaret which was beautiful and I can't believe so many of you missed it. Do you actually have better things to do on a sunday night in July? If so, I envy your social life. Some highlights... Kevin Killian singing Velvet Underground (accompanied by Geoff Dyer), Patrick Durgin and Jen Hofer doing some sort of vaudeville song and dance, and a rock opera featuring Maggie Zurowski, Judith Goldman,  Brandon Brown (accompanied by Joel whose last name I do not know but who has generously given me rides to poetry readings in the past and I feel guilty for not knowing it). Anyway William pointed out the obvious that no one was posting to the blog and that even the sad state of poetry understanding in Arizona wasn't motivating any responses. Oh well I said. I figured as much.
But I have thus decided to reclaim the blog unless big protest happens. Here is how it will work, I will add the participants in my workshop next semester but not kick anyone off and encourage anyone, currently enrolled at Mills or not, to participate. No, I will beg anyone not currently enrolled at Mills or in my workshop to participate. This might jumpstart the blog back into activity. But Bluffalot used this model when I was in poetics program and the idea is to create a larger poetics discussion that while it might intersect with various classes also filters into life in general making it more rich and interesting because it is full of poetry news and events and deep thoughts and wonderful poems from Padcha.
Unrelated... I was reading Chris Nealon's The Joyous Age the other day and I had a fantasy of doing the Mills reading series around a theme and also asking visiting poets to talk some informally about the theme when they come read. I mean not themes like "craft" or "poetic meter" but something a little more open. When I was reading his book I was thinking a good theme would be Impossible Love Poems. But it might also be interesting to make themes by putting together a list of adjectives and nouns and then picking out two at random and seeing what the poets could do with it. But maybe that is asking too much.
But does anyone have any good theme ideas?