Monday, June 21, 2004

more poets in the news...

Scorpio Horoscope for week of June 17, 2004

"Poets should welcome all opportunities to become befuddled," writes poet
Linh Dinh in The American Poetry Review. "To not know what's happening
forces one to become more attentive." Whether or not you're a poet, Scorpio,
I heartily recommend this approach to you in the coming weeks. The feeling
of having wandered off the path will be a sign of grace. To be confused will
be a blessing. The only possible way you could miss out on the gifts that
life wants to send you is if you act like a know-it-all who's in complete

Free Will Astrology.

Linh Dinh's All Around what Empties Out is available for a special Mills graduate student discount in my office. It is a subpress book.