Monday, March 08, 2004

i'm back now. more or less. great to see scott on 25 million.

this is mainly a housekeeping post...

first, on the syllabus I said I would recommend two additional books for each of you personally to read. you are to respond to these on the blog around 3/31 and 4/14. the list is below. you can do your book list in any order that you want. for some of you i gave you three books. you only have to respond to two, but you are welcome to respond to three. if you have already read the books that I recommend and you want a fresh one, come and talk to me. if you hate a book that I've recommended or find it inappropriate, then we can discuss that also. but in general, i've tried to think of some work that i see intersecting with your writing and i would encourage you to give it a try even if you think i've got some idiot ideas about your work. all the books i've assigned here are great.

responses should be posted on the blog. you might want to begin by describing the book and explaining who the writer is, where they live, etc. (the sort of stuff you do in a review) since everyone is reading differently. I tried to get some overlap going (although a few of you have no overlap at all).

Warning: I bet most of these books are not in the library and I have not ordered them from the bookstore. You are responsible for acquiring them yourselves. Most of them are available from a place like Amazon. But I recommend trying to get as many as you can from something a little more independent like Small Press Distribution or your local bookstore. I often email Rod Smith who works for a small bookstore in D.C. with an excellent poetry collection and order books from him. His email is if you want to do that. Everything listed here is in print in some form and available from Amazon or SPD.

Ben Marcus, Notable American Women: A Novel
Kenneth Goldsmith, Soliloquy
Thalia Field, Point and Line (also D, R, JT)

Brenda Coultas, The Handmade Museum (aka Susan Howe, The Midnight) (also M)
Elizabeth Grosz, Space, Time, and Perversion: Towards a Politics of Corporeal Bodies (also JP)
Samuel Delany, Times Square Red, Times Square Blue (also M)

Jennifer Moxley, Imagination Verses
Elizabeth Grosz, Space, Time, and Perversion: Towards a Politics of Corporeal Bodies (also K)
Marie Rosa Menocal, Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric (also D)
Anne Waldman, Marriage: A Sentence

Marie Rosa Menocal, Shards of Love: Exile and the Origins of the Lyric (also JP)
Thalia Field, Point and Line (also W, R, JT)

Thalia Field, Point and Line (also W, D, JT)
Inger Christensen, Alphabet
Cecilia Vicuna, Unraveling of Words and the Weaving of Water

Brenda Coultas, The Handmade Museum (also K)
Samuel Delany, Times Square Red, Times Square Blue (also K)

J H Prynne, Furtherance
David Jones, In Parenthesis
John Wilkinson, Oort’s Cloud

Joan Retallack, Mongrelisme
Anne Tardos, Uxudo
Doris Sommer, Proceed with Caution when Engaged by Minority Writing in the Americas

Kurt Schwitters, Pppppp: Kurt Schwitters Poems, Performance, Pieces, Proses, Plays, Poetics
Christian Bok, Eunoia
Tan Lin, BlipSoak01

Lois Ann Yamanaka, Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre (also A)
Thalia Field, Point and Line (also W, D, R)

Lois Ann Yamanaka, Saturday Night at the Pahala Theatre (also JT)
Frances Chung, Crazy Melon and Chinese Apple