Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I've seen the best minds of my generation

I want to respond to Juliana's post, because it really makes me think & afires some questions. I am very compelled by the "argument." The world, well, especially our country, the USA, it's a messed up thing. We have to do our part. What I want to know is: how? These Language poets. What do we think of this idea? That no "I" & no "closed forms" really does anything. Is it true? I am almost convinced the answer is almost no. What I want to know is: what is a real way to own up to this charge? What would it look like? A poem. I guess I feel like, ok, in the craft class we read some poets whose work was undeniably political (Trask comes to mind first). But how do we do similiar work? And have it be Good Poetry? I want an example. And I want some real answers on this Language poetry issue. And the post-language. I guess I'm talking to Juliana here: tell me about white, super-educated American MFA-head poets that are doing political work. And not just the obvious ones. I really want to know, for myself. For an example. I think the problem I am having is that I agree with the argument, I just don't see how it can happen in my work. Look at my poems, you can MAYBE get a feminist reading. I want to know how to do this, because if I don't have a clear way I will become paralyzed! There is the idea of writing like & critical work about poets whose identity are aligned with your own. Is it time to create one?

Also, there's this one. Again. Why Poetry? I don't remember the answer. Why poetry as opposed to something with a wider audience. I like Juliana's story about "Howl," but I want more. What is the likelihood that one of us is going to write something that actual high school students reading Norton anthologies will come across? If the ultimate goal is bettering the world, is poetry the way to do it? And if not, are we just justifing something we love to do?

I am so happy to be thinking about these issues rather than the ones from my previous life. There is so much debate! I thrive on it. Keep it up. If no one else does, I will. Shut me up.